Easter Sunday and BYU Easter Egg Hunt

Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Brendan has a friend that does watercolor paintings and we wanted her to do one of our family, but we needed a current picture, so on Easter Sunday we went and took some photos.  The watercolor painting turned out really cute too!

Oh and I made my favorite carrot cake recipe because it was Easter.

BYU Egg Hunt

This was our first year going to the BYU Easter Egg hunt, and it was complete chaos.  We will definitely not be going back next year.  It started out with us getting there an hour before it started and waiting in line.  There were 2 different times posted online, so I wasn't sure.  We met up with my friend Tabitha and her cute kids, and my sister Paige and her kids too.  They let the parents go on the field and there were so many people that it was hard to find your kids.  Luckily we didn't lose anyone. 

Later in the evening at Rock Canyon Park there was a spring festival that we went to.  It was a lot of fun, and there was a beautiful sunset.

1 comment:

  1. It was crazy! So long a wait for a 30 second hunt. Always good to see you though.


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