Emigration Canyon Half Marathon

Friday, October 25, 2013

I was pretty excited to get running again after having Niels, so as soon as my 6 weeks of postpartum were up, I started training for the nearest half that I had time to train for.   The race was up Emigration Canyon, and it was beautiful.  The first 4 miles were all up hill and I thought all I wanted to do was finish and forget about my goal, but I ended up doing OK. My goal was to finish in 1:50 and I ended up with 1:51, but I was just fine with that, especially since I was only training about twice a week towards the end.  It was just too hard to get up early and run with a newborn still feeding through the night.  Right after my race I took Brendan straight to the airport to fly to Alaska for two weeks.

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