Niels' Blessing/Hollingsworth Reunion

Friday, August 23, 2013
All of my family was able to come into town for Niels' baby blessing except one sibling and her family.  It worked out perfectly that is was around the 4th of July.  Everyone came into town on Wednesday night and stayed until Sunday afternoon after the blessing.  Usually when we all get together it's just for the weekend, so it was nice to have more time together.  It was also nice to have everyone stay by each other without being in the same house.  Brendan's family owns an apartment complex across the street and they had a few empty apartments during the summer so each family had their own apartment.

 We started out the fun with the 4th of July parade on Thursday morning.  Bruce and Jessica were kind enough to get up early and save spots for us at 4 in the morning.  

 All of the cousins together on Hazel and Hattie's cool teeter totter.  Brendan's parents gave it to the girls for their birthdays this year.  

 Brook's cute family.

Dawn's cute family.

 My cute family.

And some pictures just for fun.

 After pictures and a great meal made by Brendan, we ended the evening by watching the Stadium of Fire firework show.  It was spectacular!

 Super Jon.

On Friday most everyone went kayaking down the Provo river, but we somehow didn't manage to get any pictures of that activity.  It actually ended up being a little crazy with a big lightening storm on the river.  After the storm cleared we all went and got shaved iced, then came back home and had some badminton tournaments and water balloon toss.

On Saturday morning Brendan made a huge breakfast for everyone, and later in the afternoon we all went to the new Provo rec center and swam.  In the evening Bill and Merrill made pizza and salad that was delicious.  We ended the night with our own firework show at our house and ice cream cones for dessert.

 Golf cart rides by Grandpa.

And of course Sunday morning was the blessing of Niels.  Brendan gave a beautiful blessing, and after sacrament meeting we all came back to our house for a light brunch before everyone headed back home.

This was the best picture I got of Niels in his cute blessing outfit.  He's actually half asleep in this picture. I was trying to wake him up for the camera.

Four generations.


  1. Thanks for planning a great reunion Dana and Brendan. It was fun to see all the photos. I love the one of Super Jon of course. Good Times!!!

  2. your family is so fun!

    You should frame the generations picture and give it to everyone for fathers day!

  3. How fun! That's a great occasion for a big family gathering! Niels is super cute!


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