While Hattie was in surgery, we went downstairs to get something to eat, and while we were eating we heard on the intercom, "Would the parents of Hattie Rowland please call...." It kind of freaked us out for a minute wondering if something had gone wrong. Luckily everything was OK, but the doctor put in a scope and found that the other side needed to be repaired also and we needed to give approval to fix both sides.
Hattie's surgery was only an hour and then we went to recovery where she had just woken up and was very grumpy. She was crying and still in some pain. She kept complaining she needed to burp, so we sat her up. Luckily she didn't throw up. Her next request was for her ice cream. The hospital had a little ice cream cup, and she ate the whole thing. We told her she could have her creamery ice cream later. They gave her more medication, and Brendan turned on a show for her and she was fine. I think she was only in recovery for an hour and then she was released.
Before surgery
After surgery
Hattie being released from the hospital. They were all out of wagons, so she got a wheel chair. She has her new doll she made in one arm and her throw up bag on the other.
Hattie is such a trooper! That's neat to hear they try to make surgery a good experience for kids. I love those pictures of her, she's a cutie!