Moab 2015

Sunday, June 28, 2015
For Valentine's Day this year we took a little trip as a family.  Saturday morning we drove to Little Wild Horse Canyon and hiked around with the kids.  They had a lot of fun winding through the rocks.  After that we ate our picnic lunch and headed to Goblin Valley.  The kids ran around with Brendan, but I was a little worn out by then.  We then headed to Green River where we stayed in a little camping cabin.  It was a little chilly out, but we had a fire and cooked our tin foil dinners and had s'mores.  The girls were looking forward to the s'mores all day.  The next day was Sunday and we headed to Moab.  Since it was President's Day weekend the parks were free to enter, so we just drove through Arches and looked around, but didn't do any hiking.  We checked into our hotel and hung out, which the kids loved.  They really like going to hotels.  It's always a highlight of our trips.  On Monday we headed to Canyonlands, but a huge rain storm started as we were driving, so we just headed home.  It was a quick trip, but a lot of fun.

 Not sure what Hattie is doing with her neck.

 At this point the girls starting whining because it was cold the deeper we got inside the rocks.  This is about where we turned around.

We captured a lot of videos on the gopro, but I guess this was the best picture in Goblin Valley.

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